Friday, February 03, 2006

Lesson3-Day 5 Living in the Spirit

A day-by-day, moment-by-moment process of putting off a self-on-the-throne mind-set and putting on a heart of trust in the reigning presence of Christ.

Our desire to be in control. What a struggle I have with this. I definately want to be in control.

Thankfully God is merciful and extends His grace to me daily.

Lord, I desire to be a greater witness of you. Give me the faith to allow your Spirit to control my life. May I be more obiedent to the Spirit.


Blogger Unknown said...

Knowing the difference between the Holy Spirit's promptings and my own personal subjective feelings and thoughts is the hardest part of living by the Spirit and keeping in step with it.

February 05, 2006 6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! We must surrender all to Jesus. Take nothing with us. Only then can we worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. I gotta have it all. No more playing church, please. Let the Fire Reign. Test all Spirits by the Truth of His word. It's all in there.

February 09, 2006 1:08 PM  

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