Monday, January 30, 2006

Lesson2 - Day 5 Channeling Desires into Diciplines

As I work through this lesson, I am reminded of the LifeShaping motto Hear.Know.Do. We have heard and know now it is time to do.

This section has a key to being able to "do the do" or as the lesson says channel our desires into disciplines. The key is finding and having one or two people that will pray with you. Praying together brings accountability, encouragement and stregthens our faith.

The last paragraph of this lesson said:
Now the adventure really begins. I can almost visualize you springing
up like a shoot of new life - rooted in Christ - rising up alongside a cluster
of growing disciples reflecting Christ's beauty and reproducing his life in

Let's make that our pray for each other.

Are you in? The adventure has begun.


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