Thursday, February 02, 2006

Lesson 3 Empowered by His Spirit

Jerry Sheveland starts out with how today church celebrates the "Big Six" days of importance but suprisingly neglect our own birthday that is the day the New Testament church was born. My first experience to Pentecost was in my college days on a mission trip to Dominica. We were there on Pentecost Sunday. They celebrated!

Christ emposers his people to expand the reign through the personal presence of his Spirit. Here are six key truths about the Holy Spirit.
  1. The Holy Spirit is sent to be our counselor. John 14:16
  2. The Holy Spirit is the personal presence of Christ living with us and in us. John 14:17-18
  3. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth who teaches and guides us in the truth of Christ. John 15:26
  4. The Holy Spirit is also sent to convict the world of its need of Christ. John 16:8
  5. The Holy Spirit comes to help Christ's followers be his witnesses. John 15:26-27
  6. The Holy Spirit has come to bring glory to Christ. John 16:14
All of us as followers of Christ are given his Spirit to empower our shared mission as his church.


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