Lesson7-Day 1 Healthy Churches Pursue God's Holiness from the Inside Out
Holy litteraly means "set apart." I can many times have a misguided understanding of what is meant by "set apart." This misguided thinking is wrapped up in me think I am "set apart" from other people, as in being better than them. Or, different in a self-righteous way so I am set apart above them. Although there may be a slight truth to this, I think better for me to realize that I am "set apart" by Christ to enjoy and glorify God. Not that I am better than anyone else. I am just as depraived as anyone.
So what does it mean practically to be holy?
Peter indicates that holiness begins on the inside with our thoughts, hopes and desires. This day's lesson ends with a question asking us to brainstorm about how FCC can help believers grow in holiness from the inside out. How would you answer that?Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 1 Peter 1:13-15
I caught up with you Bro! It's been a great journey, riding off into the Sonset on the power of the Holy Spirit.
How can FCC help us grow in holiness from the inside out?
I was blessed with the demonstration Dana O. gave when he brought us all to the platform and had us look at the empty chairs in the sanctuary. It was a profound sight. Didn't you think, Bro ? I experienced fear and trembling for sure. What responsibilities we have to insure FCC doesn't end up with empty seats, as well putting additional worshippers in those seats. God is going to hold us accountable for the way we minister to ourselves and to the St. Croix Valley. How do I think we can be sucessful?
First, put all of us into a confetti paper shredder so we aren't recognizable even to ourselves. In our confetti state, reassemble us into a complete likeness of Christ.
It's only then in our brokeness that we even have a chance of being holy as Christ is holy.
Give us a larger vision of God, much larger. If I can grasp and see Him as He is then I will seek holiness.
Give me a heart of Christ transplant so I can be holy as He is holy. It all starts inside and that is where I am rotten. Break me open and give me a new heart O God, I pray!
Hello Bill and helllo FCC.
I have been reading the blogs but not commenting on them until now. I appreciate the thoughts on these blogs.
God taught me some things about holiness once when I was doing a thorough study in the Word. I wonder what people think when they read that passage in 1 Peter about being holy. A similar verse comes from Matthew 5:48 when Jesus said to be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect!
As Christians, how are we holy, when are we holy, why are we holy, what makes us holy, where are we holy? The answer to each of these is answered by the "who". Jesus is the answer. How are we holy? By His blood. By reading through the O.T. books about sacrifices, especially Exodus 29, it's possible to see how serious God is about our holiness. The priests and the people made a grand display of God's holiness in order to do it right. But too much of that can lead to legalism. Many of us probably have heard about a "holiness church", the ones that tell us not to drink or smoke or drive too fast or go to movies, etc. Their idea of holiness is external as well as internal. But true holiness is within. It is Jesus in my heart that makes me holy.
When are we holy? Every time we seek God's forgiveness. When we are at the communion table in the assembly, we bow our heads and seek God's forgiveness in Jesus' Name and by his sacrifice. When we are repentant and honest, we are granted that forgiveness by His grace! With ALL of our sins wiped away, we are holy, right then and there! We do not always need the communion time to get to this point. We only need to ask the Lord's forgiveness in Jesus' Name, believing we have received it, and we are made holy. If you do this daily, then you are holy daily. However often you find yourself one-to-one with God over your sins, you seek to be forgiven and you are forgiven - of all of it! Saints in FCC, let's not be believing that we can never be perfect or holy. Obviouly we can never perfect or holy on our own. We should never act as tough we are. There is such a thing as a "holiness church". It's all of God's people putting trust in His Word and His Son to take away all of our sins. That's true holiness. It comes to us each and every time we ask for our sins to be forgiven. Do not worry that you might sin again in 5 minutes. What is most important for you and the Lord is that you understand your position in Him.
Why must we be holy? Easiest answer comes from 1 Peter 1:15,16. He called us to it. He wants us and expects us to be holy. He wants us to imitate His Son, Jesus. The good news is that he makes us holy in order to be like His Son. What God wants from us, He makes happen. Just as in salvation. He wants us to be saved, so He saves us!
What a wonderful God!!
Thanks for "listening".
Hey Third Tim!
That's a lot to take in Thanks for another comment. I was overwhelmed by another Brother actually participating from a church the size of FCC, assuming your are, of course.
Your words read well but they seem to easy when it comes to holiness. Granted, we are holy when we ask forgiveness from the one who gives forgiveness, Jesus Christ. But does this mean we can go right on sinning knowing we can turn around and be forgiven all over again? That may not be what you are saying, but it sounds like it. Or is that what you are saying?
The journey of a Christ Follower is to imitate Christ, is it not? Where did the culture of sin fit into the life of Christ? I declare it should'nt exist at all in a Christ followers life. But if it does penetrate the blood covered believer, repentance is needed and forgiveness offered, and fleeing from sin is required.
I once knelt at the communion rail on Sunday morning next to a man to drank to drunkeness on Saturday night. His sin was forgiven, so he could be free to do it again next Saturday night without guilt. I pray this is not the way a Christ follower accepts holiness and that you aren't suggesting this is following Christ. Cheap graces do not come from the Cross of suffering on which Jesus died. Tell me it isn't this easy.
Are you out there Bill?
What's happening? Surely we aren't going to quit in the middle of our quest for more of Him. Even if we are the odd couple most of the time lets not let Satan get away with this silencing of the Bill Blog.
This isn't fire and rain. Remember, rain puts out the fire? It is I thought, Fire and Reign. In which case reign increases the fire. Anyway, we never know who maybe reading, just not responding, like the "third Tim".
What do you say, Bill? Shall we get back in the saddle again?
In His majesty's service.
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